Saint Mary’s retains 7th position in Maclean's university rankings

Saint Mary’s University is once again ranked as one of Canada’s top ten universities, as determined by Maclean’s magazine. Saint Mary’s is ranked seventh among primarily undergraduate universities, maintaining our overall ranking from last year.
Saint Mary’s Faculty continue to receive high marks, placing first in the Faculty Awards category and fourth in Social Science and Humanities Grants category, the highest of any of its regional peers in those areas.
Saint Mary’s ranked a strong fifth in the Student Awards category and sixth in the Scholarships and Bursaries category. Maclean’s places Saint Mary’s in the Primarily Undergraduate category along with 18 other institutions.
As Canada’s International University, we are very proud of our continued success. Saint Mary’s places a great importance on our commitment to academic excellence, community-engaged research, experiential learning, and support for teaching excellence.

Maclean's University Rankings