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Five tips for faculty and staff to support wellness 

As we prepare for the fall 2023 academic term, we are mindful that changes in routines, increased noise and traffic throughout campus and a busier season can often mean challenging impacts to health and wellness.

To support faculty and staff through this transition, The Counselling Centre has developed five tips for looking after yourself this fall.  

  1. Sleep 

A consistent sleep schedule will help you regulate your energy and emotions throughout the day. Keep up with your bedtime routines as much as possible, avoid caffeine and screens before bed and try to relax for a while before you turn out the lights. 

2. Healthy boundaries 

In the first few weeks of the term, you may be balancing many competing priorities (including those unplanned tasks that seem to pop up at the worst moments!). It’s important to be realistic with yourself about what you can accomplish, what you might need help with and what you simply can’t do. Set boundaries where you can and be compassionate with yourself and others. 

 3. Self-care 

We all have different activities we do regularly that help us feel good, whether that’s getting out for a walk, journalling, painting, reading, going to the gym, meditating and more! During stressful times, it’s easy to let those activities slide and a couple of missed days can quickly turn into a couple weeks or more. Try to prioritize self-care activities where possible to help mitigate burnout and reduce stress. 

 4. Take care of your basic needs

Eat foods that make you feel good and provide you with energy. Move your body regularly to help regulate your mood. And remember to stay hydrated! If you need help figuring out nutrition that works for your needs, remember that BlueCross coverage includes dietician services. 

 5. Stress management strategies 

This is the time of year to practice those stress management strategies we hear about: break big tasks into small, manageable tasks; try to slow down situations if they become too intense; talk about what’s bothering you even if it won’t solve it. Remember, stress impacts all aspects of your well-being, including your emotions, your physical health and your behaviour. If you’re experiencing a particularly challenging moment, consider a grounding exercise like the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 method or try a breathwork practice like box breathing. These strategies will help to slow your breathing, calm your mind and improve your focus.  

Want to take a deeper dive into supporting health and wellness? The Counselling Centre’s Mental Health Series will be returning in September. This four-part workshop series explores topics including how to identify and support a student in distress, coping strategies for anxiety and depression, how to talk about suicide with students, and international student mental health. Contact to be notified when the fall dates are finalized. 

For health and wellness tips, information, upcoming events and more, be sure to check out The Counselling Centre and sign up for the bi-weekly Healthy Minds Newsletter! Contact to be added to the email list.