Saint Mary's students Salina Kemp, Boyce Campbell and Elora Gehue at the APC Climate Change and Tech Career Conference.
Three student leaders are attending the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat’s Climate Change and Tech Career Conference this week on behalf of Saint Mary’s University.
Salina Kemp, Boyce Campbell and Elora Gehue are the students attending the conference and will participate in sessions ranging from addressing climate change issues at Lennox Island through new technology to the interconnectivity of the environment, economy, foreign policy, sustainability and humans rights.
One of the goals of the conference is to bring First Nations community delegates that work with youth and employment together with university and college representatives that feature science and tech post-secondary programs. Once they are together, the conference aims to encourage the sharing of ideas featuring existing partnerships and initiatives, to foster new relationships among First Nations and educators.
Conference attendees Boyce Campbell and Elora Gehue are also the Co-Chairs of the Indigenous Students Society here at Saint Mary’s. The society aims to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all students to socialize with, and learn about First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in order to enhance learning opportunities and the educational experience for Indigenous students at Saint Mary's University. The society does this by holding Indigenous events, gatherings, and cultural ceremonies to bring together both Indigenous, and non-Indigenous students.