Dr. Luigi Gallo is a professor in the Department of Astronomy and Physics at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax.
Black holes are voracious eaters that gulp up everything they can, from stars and dust clouds to other space debris. Supermassive black holes are hundreds of thousands of times the mass of the sun. Understanding the behaviour of these astronomical objects can be complicated.
Dr. Luigi Gallo’s research can attest to that. Through his research on black holes and supermassive black holes, Dr. Gallo, a professor and researcher in the Department of Astronomy and Physics at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, has helped gain new understanding of the topic.
“Certain kinds of black holes eject material, and this is more widespread than initially thought,” said Gallo. “We have found that black holes and their host galaxies have an interesting relationship that grows and evolves together,” he says.
Gallo is part of an esteemed international team working with NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and is also part of XRISM, the international X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission. His work has led to groundbreaking discoveries that altered scientists’ understanding of black holes.
Sophia Waddell – Faculty of Science from Saint Mary's University.
“We are studying high-energy X-rays emitted from the region around the black hole. Fundamentally, these X-rays are just light you cannot see with your eyes,” explained Gallo.
Since the X-rays do not penetrate Earth’s atmosphere, NASA and JAXA, are building the XRISM satellite, which is set to launch into space in February 2022, to study X-ray sources in the universe. The primary instrument on XRISM is a calorimeter called Resolve.
It’s like a supersensitive prism that breaks white light into colours,” he explained. “But we are looking at X-ray colours as opposed to visible colours. How a prism will separate the white light into 6-7 distinctly coloured band, the calorimeter is so sensitive it will show separations within each of the bands.”
Gallo says the XRISM will perform high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy in the medium around black holes and in clusters of galaxies, and can reveal the composition of the material, temperature and how it moves — smooth, spiralling, or turbulent.
These missions can take decades to launch, but a revolutionary observation from the previous 2016 Hitomi (ASTRO-H) satellite mission pushed the timeline of XRISM into production.
“We learned through Hitomi while observing the Perseus cluster [a cluster of galaxies] that the environment was not as turbulent as we might have expected,” said Gallo. “The composition of the material was different, so all these kinds of things showed us that our models needed to be improved.
Passing it on
Dr. Gallo completed his PhD at the prestigious Max Planck Institute in Garching, Germany, followed by postdoctoral research in Japan. He later joined the Saint Mary’s faculty and works with the Canadian Space Agency on these missions.
His passion for astronomy was born at an early age, and he shares his love for space with his students. “I was one of the kids that always looked up instead of looking down,” he said.
“One of my favourite parts of being a teacher is working with students on research projects. You measure your success through the success of your students, seeing them figure things out and even find better solutions.”
Dr. Luigi Gallo is a professor in the Department of Astronomy and Physics at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax. - Photo Contributed.
A professor at Saint Mary’s University since 2007, Dr. Gallo has invited students to work with him on his current projects as a way to learn more about current research methods, and has helped many students get their own original papers successfully published, an exciting milestone.
But one of the greatest aspects of teaching at Saint Mary’s University is the smaller classroom environments, says Gallo, where students appreciate the opportunity to stand out from the crowd in a warm, welcoming setting.
“As a smaller university with around 7000 students, Saint Mary’s is unique because it has a level of excellence in research that stands up to any large institution in the country,” he said. “Our astronomy department has as many researchers as much larger schools.”
“It often shocks the undergraduate students when I know their names, even if they haven’t taken a class with me,” said Gallo. “We have a strong sense of community, where students feel they can immediately begin making vital contributions.”
This story first appeared on the Chronicle Herald website.