New Self-Service Banner 9 features will simplify name changes, self-identification

Students working in the Atrium

Enrolment Services is proud to share that the Student Systems and Strategic Projects team has taken steps to improve and enhance Self-Service Banner 9 (SSB9) as it pertains to personal autonomy, including name changes and self-identification.

The Studio for Teaching and Learning (The Studio) has developed an excellent instructional resource that reflects SSB9’s new capabilities. The previous process of submitting a preferred name change form is no longer required. Please refer to the Preferred Name Change Guide found on The Studio site or access it through the Resources section of the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community Hub for instructions.

We are also pleased to announce that further upgrades are happening this term, including:

1.    Confidential and voluntary self-identification opportunities

Having a more fulsome view and understanding of our dynamic community will allow Saint Mary’s to better support and further an equitable, diverse and inclusive institution. Self-identification opportunities are confidential and completely voluntary. Data reports will focus on big-picture snapshots of populations and will not identify individuals. These reports will help drive initiatives, strategies and systems that better reflect and serve Saint Mary's students.

2.    Gender identification opportunities

In offering students an opportunity to identify with a gender descriptor, Saint Mary’s will be better able to provide services, enhance interactions and support consistencies in how we engage with students. Gender identification will be a voluntary option for students using Self-Service Banner. As we capture data on population representations, Saint Mary’s will be in a position to improve its awareness and continue strengthening a community of belonging.

We look forward to launching these enhanced capabilities this fall. We welcome feedback and questions; please connect with Enrolment Services via