Saint Mary's University has a long-standing relationship with Beijing Normal University – Zhuhai (BNUZ). For the past two years Saint Mary’s students have spent six weeks at Zhuhai during the summer months studying business, Chinese language and other programs.
Saint Mary’s is hosting a conference from July 16h - July 31st welcoming a delegation from BNUZ comprised of faculty and administrators for a 14-day summer institute focused on the intercultural exploration of strategies and best practices in university teaching and administration. This is the second year BNUZ has visited Saint Mary’s for this informative institute.
On Friday, Saint Mary’s held a tree ceremony to celebrate the university’s partnership with BNUZ.
Left to right: The Hon. Lena Diab, NS Minister of Immigration, Dr. Robert Summerby-Murrary, President of St. Mary’s University, MLA Joachim Stroink, Dr. Ailan Fu, Vice President & Provost, Beijing Normal University Zhuhai
Seven Sons Flower Tree
A member ofHoneysuckle family, this rare tree is endemic to China. It was discovered in 1907. Only nine populations are remain in the wild in Anhui and Zhejiang provinces and threatened by habitat loss but is now nationally protected. The tree grows up to 7m high and has white flowers with the fragrance of Jasmine. The nectar is appreciated by butterflies and moths. Purple-red fruits form in the autumn that have showy sepals.