Robert Summerby Murray, President of Saint Mary's gives a tour of the Atrium to Labi Kousoulis, Nova Scotia Minister of Labour and Advanced Education; Richard Brown, Prince Edward Island Minister of Communities, Land and Environment; and Zach Churchill, Nova Scotia Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development
Saint Mary's was honoured to host a meeting of members of the Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training (CAMET) at our CLARI facility today.
The council is an agency comprised of the provincial departments across Atlantic Canada responsible for public and post-secondary education, and its purpose is to enhance cooperation in public and post-secondary education by working together to improve learning, optimize efficiencies and bring added value to provincial initiatives.
"CLARI is an example of the positive change promoted by CAMET. This space allows us to work together across geography, across sectors and across organizations. So it is very fitting you are here."
- Robert Summerby Murray, President of Saint Mary's University
CLARI is a cross-province, multi-post-secondary education partnership designed to support Nova Scotia communities with academic and research expertise, designated spaces and communications technology to address social and economic challenges.