Saint Mary’s University announces mix of online and in-person classes for Winter 2021


Saint Mary’s University will deliver a mix of online and in-person classes for the winter term beginning in January 2021.

The university’s plans were communicated to students, faculty, and staff today in messages from Saint Mary’s University President Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray.

“The combination of what we have learned over the summer, the successful start of the Fall Term and the health and safety protocols and resources we continue to put in place on our campus enables us to evolve and engage in greater access to campus and more in-person activities starting in January,” says President Summerby-Murray.

Undergraduate lectures will be delivered online primarily for first, second, and third-year courses and the goal is for every discipline to have opportunities for on-campus experiences, including small class discussion groups, experiential courses, labs, seminars and tutorials. There will also be opportunities for graduate students to meet on campus and in-person in small groups. Other in-person activities will be designed to allow students to experience more peer-to-peer learning, build community, and increase overall engagement. 

For any students unable or not comfortable moving forward with in-person experiences during the Winter 2021 term, online options will remain available.

“I want to give credit, where credit is due. This step forward is only possible due the efforts of members of our local and campus community and your dedication to public health and safety,” says President Summerby-Murray. “Thank you for your commitment to your fellow Santamarians and Nova Scotians. It is your work that is allowing the university to gradually introduce more access to campus.”  

A recent example of this gradual access to campus is the opening of the Homburg Centre for Health and Wellness for both gym members and students by appointment.  Varsity athletes are also resuming training and practicing at the Homburg Centre and on the field, following strict health and safety protocols.

“Our success depends on everyone continuing to do their part,” says President Summerby-Murray. “Let us continue to tackle this pandemic the way we handle everything at Saint Mary’s —together.”