A discussion on the future of work and housing in Atlantic Canada is underway today at Saint Mary’s University. The Impact of Demographic Shift on the Future of Work and Housing in Atlantic Canada (Nova Scotia perspective) is a one-day research symposium to discuss the future of work and housing in Atlantic Canada in light of the region's aging population.
Keynote speakers include:
- Simon D’Entremont, Deputy Minister, Nova Scotia Department of Seniors
- Dr. Suzanne Cook, York University
The event also features two panels of experts, who bring years of experience to the discussion.
Panel on the Future of Work
- Dr. Karen Foster, Dalhousie University
- Thomas Storring, Nova Scotia Department of Finance and Treasury
- Jo-anne Stone, The Stone Group
- Ian MacDonald, Volunteer Chair CARP N.S.
- Moderator: Terry Murphy, Saint Mary’s University
Panel on the Future of Housing
- Dr. Martha MacDonald, Saint Mary’s University
- Jillian MacLellan, Halifax Regional Municipality
- Benjamin Nycum, Nycum William & Associates
- Kevin Hooper, United Way Halifax
- Moderator: Ian Munro, Halifax Partnership
Similar events are planned in NB, PEI, and NL. Based on the proceedings of these events, the Atlantic Research Group on Economics of Immigration, Aging, and Diversity will prepare a report to be released in the coming months.