Following the success of the first virtual Canadian Forensic Psychology virtual conference in 2020, the Psychology department is thrilled to host this national conference again for students and academic and industry colleagues. The conference will be held on Friday, February 4 from noon to 5:00 p.m. AT.
Dr. Sandy Jung
The keynote speaker is Dr. Sandy Jung, Forensic Psychologist and professor at MacEwan University. Dr. Jung will present on the topic “Why is intimate partner violence so complicated?”
Her address will be followed by presentations by forensic psychology researchers from across Canada and all over the world. Their research is on a variety of topics in forensic psychology, such as violence risk assessment, jury decision making, suspect interviews, and criminal behaviour.
A panel discussion on “The Role of Crime victims in Canadian Courts” will feature experts Heidi Illingworth, Executive Director of Ottawa Victim Services & former federal ombudsperson for victims of crime; Dr. Kristine Peace, associate professor at MacEwan University; Jennifer Schmidt, Saskatchewan senior crown prosecutor; and Krystal Lowe sexual violence prevention & education coordinator at Saint Mary’s University.
Canada is a leader in forensic psychology and Saint Mary’s is proud to provide a strong program in this field for our undergraduate and graduate students,” said Dr. Meg Ternes, who organized the event along with fellow Saint Mary’s Psychology Dr. Veronica Stinson and conference coordinator, Claire Keenan, a second year student in SMU’s MSc Applied Psychology (forensic psychology) stream.
“This idea behind this virtual conference was to replicate the friendly, collegial conversations between colleagues, something we found we missed when COVID forced us to work remotely,” said Dr. Ternes. “We found the first event so successful that we’re happy to host it again.”
Along with hearing from the keynote speaker and expert panelists, this conference is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students in the Saint Mary’s Forensic Psychology program to gain valuable experience attending, and in some cases, participating in this event. Students have played an integral role in organizing and delivering the conference.
Forensic Psychology at Saint Mary’s University
Forensic psychology focuses on researching aspects of human behaviour directly related to the legal process and applying this knowledge to the legal process.
Master of Science in Applied Psychology (Forensic Psychology) graduates at Saint Mary’s will leave equipped with skills for either applied work in the justice system or for further PhD-level studies in Forensic Psychology. Faculty offer a variety of courses, including Forensic Tests and Measurement, Correctional Psychology, and the latest developments in research methods. Our students will apply their learning during a practicum in the field, and through teaching and research assistantships. Students will also conduct and defend their own original research through their Master’s thesis.
Conference date: February 4, noon – 5 p.m.