Sobey School of Business

Saint Mary’s University celebrates extension of AACSB accreditation for the Sobey School of Business

The Sobey School of Business

Saint Mary’s University and the Sobey School of Business proudly announce the extension of accreditation from the AACSB International Board of Directors for its esteemed business degree programs. This achievement marks a significant milestone, underscoring an unwavering commitment to excellence in business education. SMU’s Sobey School of Business was first awarded the prestigious recognition in 2003 and the accreditation will now be extended until 2030.

The rigorous academic standards, innovative teaching methods, and dynamic learning environment at Saint Mary’s have contributed to this remarkable endorsement. Driven by the dedication of faculty, the achievements of our students, and the steadfast support of our staff, we continue to shape future business leaders and professionals. The peer review team noted that the Sobey School "has demonstrated an impressive amount of innovation over the last five years as it changes its focus…to a global, impactful School of Business."

“This accreditation reaffirms our position as a leader in business education,” said Dr. Michel Delorme, Dean of the Sobey School of Business. “It enhances the prestige of our programs and reflects the hard work of our entire community.”

AACSB Accreditation is known worldwide as the longest-standing, most recognized form of specialized/professional accreditation an institution and its business programs can earn. AACSB-accredited schools have the highest quality faculty, relevant and challenging curriculum, and provide educational and career opportunities that are not found at other business schools.

Less than 6% of the world's 13,000 business programs have earned AACSB Accreditation.

The Sobey School of Business, one of Canada’s oldest and most respected institutions, remains committed to fostering purpose-driven leadership. As we celebrate this achievement, we extend our congratulations to all stakeholders who have contributed to this success.

Sobey School of Business recognized for social impact and sustainability achievements

Sobey School of Business entrance

The Sobey School of Business has been acknowledged for its outstanding social impact and sustainability achievements in the recently launched Positive Impact Rating (PIR) results. Among 77 business schools from 30 countries worldwide participating in this year’s rating, the Sobey School achieved Level 4, positioning it as a Transforming institution within the PIR framework.

A student-driven assessment

The PIR is a unique rating conducted by students and for students. For the third consecutive time, students worldwide evaluated their business schools based on their perceived positive impact on the world. Beyond contributing to business and the economy, business schools are crucial in addressing societal needs.

Students assessed how the Sobey School of Business tackles societal and sustainable challenges, equipping its students to become responsible business leaders. The data collection process was led by the Business Sustainability Society, which distributed the PIR survey across campus. This year, 150 Sobey School students actively participated in the assessment.

Participation in the PIR underscores the Sobey School’s commitment to student feedback and engagement. Associate Dean Margaret McKee emphasized, “The PIR is an important opportunity to capture the students' perspective on our social impact and sustainability, and we are inspired by their commitment to working together with us to transform business education.”

The PIR survey comprises 20 questions across seven relevant impact dimensions, categorized into three areas: Energizing, Educating, and Engaging. The overall PIR score positions business schools within five levels, reflecting their developmental stage and achievement. The Sobey School has a defined social impact metric to guide its ongoing efforts.

Prof. Thomas Dyllick, PIR Founder & Member of the Supervisory Board, highlighted the significance of student input: “As future students seek alternatives to select their business school, the PIR serves as a reliable resource. Schools, including the Sobey School, use the PIR to measure and communicate their transformational progress.”

The PIR was developed by business school experts in collaboration with global NGOs—WWF, Oxfam, and UN Global Compact. International student associations oikos, AIESEC, and Net Impact are proud partners of the PIR initiative, supported by VIVA Idea (Costa Rica), The Institute for Business Sustainability Foundation, and Fehr Advice (both from Switzerland).

Research Award winners enjoy paid summer internships across campus

Undergraduate students are conducting research with faculty members again this summer, thanks to funding from federal grants, generous donors and Saint Mary’s.

The halls and classrooms at Saint Mary’s are a little quieter after the end of the winter term and the excitement of convocation, but students keen to engage in research activities are creating a buzz on campus.

Every summer, a group of students are chosen to receive undergraduate student research awards. These awards allow students to conduct research and scholarly projects with professors in their fields. These paid internships allow students to learn valuable skills that will serve them well in upper-level courses and eventually in their own honours or graduate-level research.

Many of these award positions are funded by federal government agencies, including the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s (NSERC) Undergraduate Student Research Awards program and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Others are offered thanks to generous donors, grants, and funding from Saint Mary’s. In most cases, awards are made possible through contributions from professors’ research grants. Those who receive awards are provided funding to undertake 12 to 16 weeks of full-time work between May and August.

A new category of award was introduced for full-time students in the Faculty of Science for summer 2024 to include a wider array of students. Designed for student-professor teams who propose a research project together, the Dean of Science Access to Research Awards focus on the proposed research project; the student's GPA is not a selection criteria as long as the student is in good academic standing. These awards are jointly funded by the Dean of Science Office and various faculty grants.

These summer research award programs are a great opportunity for our students. However, there are many other opportunities for students to work alongside professors. With research taking place year-round in labs and in the field, students are encouraged to connect with professors to discuss additional opportunities!


“Summer research placements give students a chance to experience research work that complements their academic studies,” says Dr. Adam Sarty, Associate Vice-President, Research. “This program of Research Awards provides our most engaged and talented students with experiences that not only raise their connection to their studies but also greatly enhance their road to success post-graduation in either the job market or in pursuit of graduate studies. A good number of professors start their academic journey through these kinds of undergraduate research experiences.”

Selecting student researchers

For most positions, students earn their positions based on their academic record, breadth of experience and background, and their application letter—they can apply after their first year of full-time study. If chosen, they are matched with a professor whose work is a fit for their desired research. The Dean of Science Access to Research Award winners are selected based on the prospective value of the experience to both the student and supervisor.

Previous wins aren’t considered in the selection process; however, students with top academic records can earn positions in multiple years. Many Saint Mary’s students have gone on to pursue graduate studies, thanks in part to the experience gained during their summer work on campus.

Learn about this year’s student researchers

Learn about student research opportunities at Saint Mary’s.

Taylor Adams

  • Fourth year, Honours Biology

  • Supervisor: Dr. Laura Weir

  • Research: Conducting research on Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) evolution by sexual selection. I will be constructing a pedigree to link reproductive success of lineages with different morphological and behavioural characteristics.

Molly Carruthers 

  • Fourth year, Psychology

  • Supervisor: Meg Ternes

  • Research: I will be working with Meg on research relating to deception detection

Sarah Chiasson

  • Third year, Environmental Science

  • Supervisor: Dr. Colleen Barber

  • Research: This summer I’ll be studying European Starlings with Dr. Colleen Barber’s lab, studying the birds’ behaviour, including mate choices and parental investment. To do so, we survey the European Starling population on campus, tracking the individuals through their life cycle.

Claire Cullinan

  • Third year, Biology with a certificate in forensic science

  • Supervisor: Dr. Christa Brosseau

  • Research: I will be doing biochemistry research on the development of diagnostic sensors for healthcare applications. I will be using plasmonic metal nanoparticles to develop nanoparticle-based sensors.

Noha Jereen Hoque

  • Fourth year, Honours Physics

  • Supervisor: Vincent Hénault-Brunet

  • Research: Our research group aims to explore the content, formation, and evolution of black holes in globular star clusters, which are spherical, tightly bound clusters of tens of thousands to millions of old stars around the Milky Way. We need to understand how black holes form, stay and change within these clusters to explore our universe at very large distances.

Abby Jolly

  • Third year, Social Justice and Community Studies

  • Supervisor: Dr. Val Marie Johnson 

  • Research: This summer I will be partnering with the Centre for Migrant Worker Rights Nova Scotia, doing research on access to healthcare for seasonal agricultural workers in Nova Scotia. 

Alicia MacDonald 

  • Third year, Psychology 

  • Supervisor: Dr. Nicole Conrad

  • Research: We will be doing a pilot study on a measure of reading comprehension in grades three and four children. We will also be writing a paper on orthographic knowledge and spelling outcomes.

Mimi MacNeily BSc’24

  • Major: Psychology 

  • Supervisor’s name: Dr. Tiffany Vu

  • Research: Assisting in the development and testing of theories grounded in marketing, psychology, and behavioural economics pertaining to charitable giving, sustainability, and consumer well-being. 

Jillian Marks

  • Second year, Engineering

  • Supervisor: Dr. Jane Ferguson

  • Research: Using innovative methods to measure key properties of molten salt mixtures for the development of clean energy sources.

Tehya Mohammed

  • Second year, Chemistry and Physics

  • Supervisor: Dr. Robert Singer

  • Research: We are optimizing the N‑Demethylation process of alkaloids to make it greener. This is an important step in the synthesis of compounds like naltrexone and naloxone. 

Katherine Myers BSc’24

  • Major: Honours Astrophysics

  • Supervisor: Dr. Marcin Sawicki

  • Research: Studying star formation and substructure trends in distance galaxy mergers using data from the James Webb Space Telescope. 

Keegan Riggs

  • Astrophysics

  • Supervisor: Dr. Luigi Gallo

  • Research: Using data from an x-ray space telescope to analyze blackholes

Madhur Sharma

  • First Year, Computing Science and Business Administration

  • Supervisor: Dr. Ethan Pancer

  • Research: Marketing and AI. We will be analysing the speed of spread and work closely with how virality works to understand the algorithm of different socials.

Daniel Wilson

  • Third year, Biology and Geography

  • Supervisor: Dr. Erin Cameron

  • Research: I'm working on mapping in ArcGIS related to Indigenous knowledge of berry crops in the Northwest Territories and the spread of invasive earthworms in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Yukon. In addition, there's also fieldwork sampling invasive earthworms in North Alberta with the goal of identifying species and determining their rate of spread.

Clara Wrightman-Dillon

  • Second year, Astrophysics

  • Supervisor: Marcin Sawicki

  • Research: I will be analyzing photos from the JWST of the Sparkler Galaxy.

Katherine (Katie) Zinck

  • Third year, Chemistry

  • Supervisor: Dr. Danielle Tokarz

  • Research: I will be using polarization-resolved second harmonic generation microscopy and birefringence to investigate the degradation of otoconia (inner ear crystals that maintain balance) and the structure of teeth.

Megan Barkhouse

  • Second year, Biology

  • Supervisor: Dr. Anne Dalziel

  • Research: I will be involved in the collection, care, and research of stickleback and killifish.

Sydney Blackmore

  • Third year, Astrophysics 

  • Supervisor: Dr. Greg Christian 

  • Research: As per the description found on the SMU research opportunities webpage: the “… project will consist of analysis of recoil singles data from an experiment measuring the 22Ne(alpha, n)25Mg reaction. This reaction is important as a neutron source for the slow neutron capture process, which creates around half of the elements heavier than hydrogen." 

Rachel Crawford

  • Fifth year, Biology & Psychology double major, with a certificate in Health, Wellness, and Sport in Society.

  • Supervisor: Dr. Nicole Conrad.

  • Research: I'll be working with Dr. Conrad to study the effects of orthographic knowledge on reading comprehension in children and to pilot reading comprehension testing materials with elementary school-age students.

Maria Dereje

  • Second year, Criminology

  • Supervisor: Dr. Veronica Stinson

  • Research: A variety of projects and developing research skills

Rebecca ElChater

  • Fourth year, Double major in Biology and Psychology, with an Honours in Chemical Biology

  • Supervisor: Dr. Clarissa Sit

  • Research: I will be studying Fictibacillus enclensis, which is a bacteria that can promote plant growth and act as a natural fertilizer. I will perform extractions and sample analyses to determine its mechanism of action on plants.

Yacklin Huang

  • First year, undetermined major.

  • Supervisor: Dr. Mengjun Hu

  • Research: Discuss Data Analytics topics with supervisor weekly; read classic textbooks of relevant directions to gain important insights.

Zéa Jones

  • Fourth year, Anthropology and Religious Studies

  • Supervisor: Dr. Sveva Savelli

  • Research: Reviewing field notes and aiding in excavations at Incoronata greca, in Italy. 

Zoe MacDonald

  • Third year, Psychology 

  • SupervisorDr. Jim Cameron 

  • Research: Very broadly- exploring the psychology of astronomy, as in feelings of awe (often induced via astronomical events) and how it can increase social cohesion/global citizenship identification and prosocial behaviour, as well as more general attitudes and beliefs surrounding astronomy, life in the universe, etc. 

  • Baxter Madore

  • Fourth year, Honours Computer Science

  • Supervisor: Dr. Stavros Konstantinidis

  • Research: I am currently modernizing and adding features to the I-LaSer formal language web server at SMU.

 Lindsey McNamara

  • Fourth year, Honours Mathematics

  • Supervisor: Dr. Mitja Mastnak

  • Research: I will be studying the simultaneous triangularization of collections of matrices and further topics in linear algebra/abstract algebra.

Janine Mombourquette

  • Fourth year, Honours Biology

  • Supervisor: Dr. Laura Weir

  • Research: Conducting research with Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes).

Lucy Pothier-Bogoslowski

  • Fourth year, Honours Astrophysics

  • Supervisor: Dr. Luigi Gallo

  • Research: I am working on observational high energy astrophysics with X-ray data taken of active galactic nuclei. This work probes the extreme regions around supermassive black holes.

Sarina Scoville

  • Fourth year, Biology

  • Supervisor: Dr. David Chiasson

  • Research: My research project will encompass molecular and synthetic biology, as well as microbiology. Under the supervision and support of Dr. Chiasson, my research will focus on the identification of genes related to nitrogen-fixation and the symbiotic relationship between nitrogen-fixing bacteria and legumes. 

Connor Smith

  • Third year, Chemistry

  • Supervisor: Jane Ferguson

  • Research: My research this summer is to help design and start construction of an Archimedean density apparatus to measure the density of molten salt systems.

Kaveh Wornell

  • Third year,  Biology

  • Supervisor: Dr. Laura Weir

  • Research: This project will explore the metabolic costs of courtship behaviour in Japanese medaka. In this species, males perform a characteristic courtship 'dance' to attract females and advertise their fertility. Furthermore, the degree to which fin size may increase or decrease the metabolic demands of the behaviour is not known. This work will entail a physiological study to assess the difference between the metabolic rate of males at rest and while they are performing the courtship behaviour.

Commerce student wins Excellence Award for PRME North America Student Leadership

Adrianna is a white woman with blond hair and glasses. She holds up a certificate and is joined by two other PRME members

Adrianna Timmons, center, accepts her PRME award

Adrianna Timmons, a dedicated third-year Bachelor of Commerce student at the Sobey School of Business, has been honoured with the Excellence Award for PRME North America Student Leadership. This prestigious award is presented to a remarkable student leader who demonstrates exceptional commitment to advancing the principles of sustainability and responsible business practices, both on their campus and in the broader community.

Her deep-seated involvement with the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) is at the heart of Adrianna's commendable achievements. This initiative, a pivotal program under the United Nations Global Compact, champions the cause of sustainability and responsible management education.

Adrianna stands in front of a yellow wall and smiles

Adrianna formed the Sustainable Business Society at Saint Mary’s

As one of two Regional Leaders for North America, Adrianna plays a crucial role in expanding the network of students focused on sustainable development. Her responsibilities encompass working with student organizations, identifying new ones to enhance the network and attending global meetings to refine and advance the initiatives of PRME Global Students. As a representative of PRME, Adrianna actively engages with and speaks at events focused on sustainability, responsibility, and development, furthering the mission of creating a sustainable global economy.

Adrianna was inspired to bring sustainability initiatives to more students at Saint Mary's after attending a PRME Student Leadership Global Forum in New York. Her participation in the forum was funded through the Linton Family Sustainability in Business Trust, established through the generosity of Bill Linton BComm’75 DComm’22 and his wife Marilynne Day-Linton. Accelerating a wide range of initiatives for students, faculty and staff, the Linton Family Trust provides critical support to expand and elevate the Sobey School’s leadership in educating the next generation of business leaders committed to sustainable business.  

Adrianna said of her trip to the PRME Global Forum in New York, "Last year, I had the opportunity to attend the forum, where I spoke with students who had successfully started sustainability societies at their schools. This gave me the courage to start the sustainability society here at Saint Mary's."  

In the Fall of 2023, Adrianna launched the Saint Mary’s University Sustainable Business Society, uniting like-minded students from the Commerce Faculty focusing on sustainability. As its founding President, she rapidly expanded the group to over 80 members in its first year. The society aims to spotlight local, sustainable businesses and entrepreneurial efforts, enhancing student engagement with Halifax's business community and fostering real-world sustainability application and networking opportunities. A notable achievement under her leadership was the organization of a "Careers in a Clean Economy" panel, drawing insights from industry leaders on sustainable business careers to 50 attendees. The Society also initiated The Halifax Green Map project, highlighting ethical, sustainable local businesses and promoting responsible business practices.

In addition to her academic and PRME commitments, Adrianna has demonstrated exceptional entrepreneurial initiative and social responsibility through her endeavours outside of the university. Her creation of Accessories for Access exemplifies how she seamlessly integrates her passion for sustainable development with entrepreneurship. This venture is not just a business; it's a mission-driven effort to make a tangible difference in girls' lives in sub-Saharan Africa by funding their education and leadership opportunities.

Adrianna's blend of global perspective and local action truly sets her apart as a leader who envisions a better world and actively works towards creating it.

Measuring the impact of social innovation in Nova Scotia

Saint Mary’s University professor and students receive Mitacs fund to study community projects

Dr. Chantal Hervieux and a team of graduate students will study the social innovation impact of Inspiring Communities

Across the globe, there is growing enthusiasm and support for social innovation and community-based projects that address critical issues such as climate change, equity, employment opportunities and newcomer integration. How can we determine if these projects have a lasting impact beyond their immediate benefits? Can social innovation truly transform societal systems and contribute to a better world?

These essential questions are at the heart of Dr. Chantal Hervieux’s research. As the Director of the ImpactLab at the Centre for Leadership Excellence in the Sobey School of Business, Professor Hervieux has been awarded a substantial Mitacs grant of $255,000. Her mission: to study Inspiring Communities, a Nova Scotia-based not-for-profit organization, and gain a deep understanding of social innovation, its approach, processes and impacts. Given its active involvement in the community, Inspiring Communities serves as an ideal test case and model for others.

Since 2018, Inspiring Communities has played a crucial role in supporting communities across Nova Scotia, from Digby to Cape Breton, using an equity-centred systems change approach. They aspire to build equitable, thriving communities through connecting communities, creating collaborative partnerships, measuring impact and maintaining a strong and sustainable core. By partnering with this organization, Dr. Hervieux aims to document and map their practices, ultimately sharing valuable insights globally.

Anacapri LeBlanc, a Master’s student in Women and Gender Studies, agrees that innovation in Nova Scotia deserves to be highlighted.

“Here, we have a not-for-profit that wants a rigorous assessment to know what’s working, what are strengths and what are the weaknesses in their process. They are very invested in helping Nova Scotians.”
— Anacapri LeBlanc, MWGS student

Anacapri LeBlanc

Jocelyn Li, Co-Executive Director at Inspiring Communities, emphasizes the organization's commitment as an intermediary organization to supporting equity-deserving communities, including historical African Nova Scotian communities, Indigenous people, racialized newcomers, neurodivergent people and people of differing abilities, and 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. The organization relies on developmental and other evaluation methods. By sharing their data archives, they aim to chart their progression from evaluation techniques to program models that better serve their equity-deserving members and community groups.

Dr. Hervieux’s work, alongside that of the student researchers, will play a pivotal role in strengthening the evidence base for their programs. Anandalakshmi Anathara Prasenan, a student in the Sobey School of Business Masters of Business Analytics program, highlights the unique opportunity provided by the Mitacs-funded project.

Anandalakshmi Anathara Prasenan

“I chose Saint Mary’s because of its collaborative approach to research, emphasizing local community engagement. Through this project, I gain knowledge about not-for-profits and Atlantic Canada, and benefit from Professor Hervieux’s guidance.”
— Anandalakshmi Anathara Prasenan

Over the next two years, twelve graduate students from Saint Mary’s University will receive internships to conduct research within local communities across Nova Scotia. These students, drawn from programs such as Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Business Administration, and PhD studies, will apply their academic methods to real-world scenarios. They will also participate in training workshops, learning innovative impact assessment methodologies developed by the Centre for Leadership Excellence’s ImpactLab. This approach delves deep into systems and interactions, allowing researchers to trace the path of impact and understand where and how it occurs.

Prasenan and LeBlanc with Dr. Hervieux

Dr. Hervieux underscores the significance of studying Nova Scotian communities in the context of global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. In this tumultuous world, Nova Scotia stands out as a beacon of resilience and innovation.

Interim Dean Mark Raymond notes the impactful collaboration between Saint Mary’s University, Inspiring Communities, and dedicated graduate students, “Their collective efforts promise to advance social innovation and contribute to positive change in Nova Scotia and beyond.” 

Spring Convocation 2024

Members of the Saint Mary’s community celebrated for academic achievement and leadership

Hundreds of graduates, alongside their families, friends and SMU supporters, celebrated Spring Convocation from May 15-17, 2024. Proud new members of the SMU alumni community filled the sunny lawn of the McNally building after their ceremonies to enjoy their special day.

Among the graduates were numerous award and medal recipients recognized for their academic distinction. The convocation program lists the recipients of the Governor General’s Gold and Silver medals, along with a list of recipients of faculty, departmental and donated awards.

Meet the Valedictorians

Six valedictorians delivered heartfelt and inspiring speeches to packed auditoriums and online audiences. Read their full biographies in the convocation program and watch their speeches in the ceremony recordings.

Alexia Jo-Ann Bourgeois
Bachelor of Commerce

Born and raised in Dieppe, New Brunswick, Alexia is a proud French-Acadien. Before her time at Saint Mary’s where she majored in marketing, Alexia played varsity soccer, earned her private pilot’s license, and is a longtime member of the Rotary Club. At Saint Mary’s, Alexia founded a club called “GalPal” where a group of student innovators developed a solution to fight against gender-based violence and sexual assault on campuses.

Nyah Sahyoun
Bachelor of Commerce

Nyah was born and raised in Saint John, New Brunswick, by her Palestinian father and Saint John-native mother. After working hard in her studies and completing three co-op placements, Nyah graduated with a double major in Marketing and Human Resource Management.

Jonathan Cornelius Mansvelt
Bachelor of Science

Jonathan’s time at SMU was spent supporting students as a teaching assistant, chemistry lab demonstrator, tutor at the SNAP Centre and President of the Campus Medical Response Team. He graduated with Honours Psychology, summa cum laude, and was presented with the Governor General’s Silver Medal, given to the top undergraduate student who graduated between September 2023-May 2024. 

Itai Kuwodza
Master of Arts, Atlantic Canada Studies

Itai is a two-time Saint Mary’s graduate, having previously completed her Bachelor of Arts degree. Her graduate thesis, titled Performing Diversity: Black Bodies in Atlantic Canadian Post-Secondary Institutions, was driven by a desire to understand how race permeates higher education and racialized learning. As a former SMU Husky, teaching assistant and coach, she is ready to begin her PhD studies at Acadia University.

Holly Kanyamunyu
Bachelor of Arts

Born in London, England, Holly’s family relocated to Halifax when she was four years old, where they lived on campus while her mother pursued her MBA at the Sobey School of Business. Her love for SMU led her to work with the Recruitment team. She also researched in the Dean of Science lab and helped to lead the African Student Society as Creative Director. She graduates with a major in Psychology and a minor in General Business.

Madison Vanderlinden
Bachelor of Arts

From Cole Harbour, NS, Maddie graduated with a double major in French and Intercultural Studies, complemented by a minor in Asian Studies. With a passion for global learning and outreach, Maddie spent her time at Saint Mary’s supporting incoming international and exchage students, volunteering and working with Students Acting for Global Awareness (SAGA) and the Global Learning & Intercultural Support Office.

Teaching excellence

Margaret McKee holds a framed certificate. She and Karen Grandy stand on stage in academic robes.

Dr. Margaret McKee

Faculty were among those recognized during Convocation for their service to the Saint Mary’s community and their innovations in teaching and learning. Dr. Margaret McKee, Associate Professor of Management and Associate Dean of Undergraduate and Professional Graduate Programs within the Sobey School of Business, was awarded the Geraldine Thomas Education Leadership Award for her sustained commitment to fostering transformative learning environments grounded in principles of inclusivity, sustainability, and ethical leadership.

Dr. Valerie Creelman

Members of the alumni community acknowledged Dr. Valerie Creelman, Professor of Communication within the Department of Marketing and Communication at the Sobey School of Business, with the Father William A. Stewart, S.J. Medal for Excellence in Teaching. Students consistently praised the active, experiential, and applied learning environment she creates in her classes and her deep respect for diverse student learning needs.

Dr. David Wicks, retired Professor of Management and former Dean of the Sobey School of Business, was awarded Professor Emeritus status at Spring Convocation.

Honorary Degrees

Four people were recognized for their commitment to advocacy, diplomacy, education and community engagement and were granted honorary degrees at Spring Convocation.

Kevin Murphy BComm’92
A self-described “serial entrepreneur,” Kevin Murphy boasts extensive business experience alongside his important work in disability advocacy As the Senior Parliamentary Speaker in Canada, Murphy founded and served as the first Chairperson of the Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities Network in 2019. Read more.

Donica Pottie BA’85
Her remarkable journey from a Saint Mary’s graduate to a Canadian ambassador exemplifies resilience, dedication and global citizenship. Pottie’s advocacy as a diplomat extends beyond borders in her support of human security, women’s rights and the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community, which she has publicly defended in countries where these rights are restricted. Read more.

Lawrence (Larry) Freeman, K.C.
As a partner at Stewart McKelvey law firm, Larry Freeman has provided counsel to clients for over 40 years. He has been deeply involved in several community organizations, notably serving as a member of the Saint Mary’s University Board of Governors in 2008 and Board Chair from 2019-2022. Read more.

Karen Hudson
Local educator and community leader Karen Hudson brings an innovative approach to her role as Principal of Auburn Drive High School. In 2018, she pioneered the first Africentric Cohort in math and literacy within a public school. This groundbreaking initiative aimed to empower students by infusing Afrocentric concepts into the curriculum. Read more.

Congratulations graduates! Visit for more information, links to the convocation program and recorded ceremonies. Browse the full convocation photo album here.

Kevin Murphy, trailblazer in advocacy and inclusion, to receive honorary degree

Kevin Murphy BComm’92

Kevin Murphy BComm’92, a distinguished advocate for people with disabilities, will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Saint Mary’s University during the upcoming Spring Convocation. His significant contributions to public policy and community development have left a lasting impact.

Murphy describes himself as a “serial entrepreneur,” having ventured into diverse fields such as entertainment, publishing, advertising, restaurants, junior hockey, motor coach operations, and disability consulting. His time at Saint Mary’s University opened his eyes to a world of possibilities, inspiring him to become an advocate for accessibility improvements on campus, ensuring that the needs of students with disabilities were met.

Beyond business ventures, Murphy has held management positions with the Canadian Paraplegic Association and the Rick Hansen Foundation. His commitment extends to volunteer work, including executive board positions with organizations like the HRM Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities, Metro Transit Access-A-Bus Advisory Committee and Independent Living Nova Scotia. In 2012, he received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal in recognition of his dedicated community service.

Murphy’s impact reached new heights when he became the elected Member of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly for Eastern Shore from 2013 to 2021. Serving eight consecutive years as the Speaker, he made history as the first Speaker in the Commonwealth to have a significant disability. His tenure was marked by a commitment to ensuring that the voices of persons with disabilities were heard and represented in elected parliaments.

His gravitas, combined with a delightful sense of humour, allowed him to excel in his role. As the Senior Parliamentary Speaker in Canada, Murphy founded and served as the first Chairperson of the Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities Network in 2019. This network aims to support and inspire people with disabilities worldwide to seek elected office.

Advocacy on a Global Scale

Since 2022, Murphy has been the Senior Policy Advisor to Canada’s Federal Minister responsible for persons with disabilities. His work spans critical files such as the Accessible Canada Act, the Disability Inclusion Action Plan, the Canada Disability Benefit and Medical Assistance in Dying. Through these roles, he amplifies the voices of persons with disabilities globally, advocating for policies that empower and uplift. Murphy’s commitment extends beyond political office—in 2003, he co-founded The James McGregor Stewart Society, a beacon of advocacy for public policy respecting people with disabilities. The society’s impactful work has touched countless lives, advocating for equal rights, accessibility, and inclusion.

Murphy will receive a Doctor of Civil Law, honoris causa, on Wednesday, May 15. See the convocation program for full details.

President and Vice-Chancellor of Saint Mary’s University, Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, commends Murphy’s work: “Kevin Murphy’s journey inspires us all. His leadership, advocacy and dedication to disability rights transcend borders, making our world more inclusive and compassionate.”

Currently, Murphy serves as the Federal Director of Disability and Inclusion, where he continues to champion positive change. His legacy reminds us that barriers can be overcome and that every voice matters.

Spring Convocation takes place May 15-17, 2024. Ceremonies will be live-streamed via

Saint Mary’s University appoints new Dean of the Sobey School of Business

Dr. Michel Delorme

Saint Mary’s University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Michel Delorme to the position of Dean of the Sobey School of Business, effective July 1, 2024.

“Under Dr. Delorme’s leadership, the Sobey School of Business will build on its position as one of Canada’s most established and respected business schools and the business school of choice for students aspiring to lead with purpose,” said Saint Mary’s University President & Vice-Chancellor Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray.   

Dr. Delorme brings more than 12 years of experience in leadership positions in business schools, nationally and internationally, and over 25 years of experience in higher education. He has extensive knowledge of accreditation processes, developing international partnerships and facilitating university teaching, research and leadership. Currently serving as Dean of the Faculty of Management at Laurentian University, Dr. Delorme has also served as Director of Simmons University School of Business, USA (AACSB accredited); Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at Burgundy School of Business, France (AACSB and EQUIS accredited); Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at ESDES, the Business School of the Catholic University of Lyon, France (AACSB accredited); and Vice Dean for Knowledge Development and Research at Rennes School of Business, France (AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS accredited). 

“This distinctive leadership position represents an excellent opportunity to help develop students’ potential, guide their personal and professional lives, and prepare them to become authentic and conscientious leaders of tomorrow,” said Dr. Delorme. “I am honoured to take up this position as Dean of the Sobey School, one of Canada’s most accredited and highly regarded business schools.” 

Dr. Delorme looks forward to getting to know the Saint Mary’s community and is impressed by the university's strong reputation, supportive student experience, excellent resources and quality of life in Halifax. He sees opportunities to contribute to the institution's growth, appreciates the support from the Sobey family and values the dynamism of the people at Saint Mary’s. 

The Sobey School of Business is one of Canada’s oldest, most respected and comprehensive business schools, with undergraduate, graduate and executive professional development programming.

Distinguished Delegation Award for Model UN group

Wesley Brouse had been to New York City twice before, but the third time was a charm, as a member of the Saint Mary’s University team at the National Model United Nations conference.

“Going to the UN General Assembly for the NMUN closing ceremony was truly a dream come true,” says Brouse, a finance major who will graduate with his Bachelor of Commerce degree in May. “Getting to sit in the same seats that UN ambassadors from all around the world sit in, surrounded by students from all over the world, felt surreal.”

Saint Mary’s delegation of 10 students represented The Bahamas in the annual UN simulation, coming home with a Distinguished Delegation Award, the equivalent of a silver medal. The team from Dr. Marc Doucet’s Model UN course included students in the Faculty of Arts and the Sobey School of Business, with five political science majors, two finance majors and students from the management and marketing programs.

“Few other delegations were as well prepared as our team was, and that was all thanks to Dr. Doucet,” says Brouse. “Although no one on our team had ever done Model UN before, he ensured we were all experts at it by the time we got to New York. We could not have won the award without him.”

Other highlights of the week in New York included a seminar about the various paths to UN employment and a team dinner at Benihana in Midtown Manhattan.   

“This year’s delegation should be very proud of their award,” says Dr. Doucet, a professor in the Department of Political Science. “Representing a small nation is always a challenge at NMUN. The Bahamas is known to ‘punch above its weight’ at the UN, but our delegates had to compete against larger delegations, with some having considerable past Model UN experience.” 

Brouse learned about the Model UN opportunity from a friend and jumped at the chance to be a part of it this year. With a keen interest in international politics and international law, he figured the Model UN course would be a great way to enhance his knowledge in these areas.

While at the NMUN conference, students from Saint Mary’s participated in a number of committees, simulating the work of the General Assembly’s First, Second and Third Committees, the UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The topics they tackled ranged from the “Relationship between Disarmament and Development” to “Preventing Violence and Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” and “Environmental Sustainability in the Textile and Fashion Industries.”

The conference was attended by thousands of students from more than 175 universities and colleges worldwide. In the Distinguished Delegation category, only four other Canadian universities were recognized this year: the University of Ottawa and McGill, McEwan and Brock universities.

2024 Canadian Venture Capital Competition hosted at Saint Mary's

Over 80 business students from leading universities across Canada, including the University of Alberta, University of Toronto, Queen's University and Wilfrid Laurier University, came together in Halifax recently for the Canadian Venture Capital Investment Competition (VCIC). The day-long competition held on March 1, 2024, allowed students to immerse themselves in the role of venture capitalists and demonstrate their abilities in planning and execution while gaining valuable real-world insights.

“Hosting this divisional VCIC provides Canadian university students with the opportunities to participate in the world of venture capital, connecting with entrepreneurs and venture capitalists within the ecosystem. We are thrilled to nurture a supportive environment for entrepreneurial talents poised to make contributions to the evolving landscape of venture capital and innovation,” says Michael Sanderson, Director of the Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre.

This year marked the fourth iteration of the Canadian competition, a staple event held annually at the Sobey School of Business. The competition evaluates participants based on their thorough preparation and strategic implementation and offers a dynamic platform for students to delve into the nuances of venture capital investment. By engaging in simulated investment scenarios, students are challenged to make crucial decisions under pressure, replicating the scenarios faced by actual venture capitalists.

The 2024 winners in the graduate category are the team from the University of Waterloo MBA program, who secured the top spot and $1,000. A group of undergraduate students from the University of Waterloo secured first place in the undergraduate category with a prize of $500.

The two winning teams will compete at the 2024 VCIC Global Finals on April 12-13 at Chapel Hill, NC, USA.

Saint Mary’s University continues to solidify itself as a dominant force in the realm of university venture capital. While SMU students are excluded from competition in the Canadian division, they compete in the Northeastern Division of the Venture Capital Investment Competition against U.S. universities, frequently placing in the top ranks in both graduate and undergraduate categories.

Read more about SMU’s recent success in Boston: Students excel in Venture Capital Investment Competition.

BComm student with focus on sustainability wins prestigious Frank H. Sobey Award

Madeline (Maddie) Bristol

Sobey School of Business student Madeline (Maddie) Bristol has been named one of only eight undergraduate students from across Atlantic Canada to win this year's  Frank H. Sobey Award for Excellence in Business Studies.  

Maddie is in her final year of studying for a Bachelor of Commerce at the Sobey School of Business at Saint Mary's. In addition to her studies, Maddie actively seeks opportunities to gain practical, real-world experience. 

Maddie served two consecutive year-long terms as president of Enactus Saint Mary's. During her presidency, she managed projects aimed at reducing food waste at the farm level, eliminating food insecurity, teaching at-risk youth financial literacy, and clearing oceans of plastic waste. Under her leadership, the team was named national champions in both the Scotiabank Climate Action Challenge and the TD Entrepreneurship Challenge. 

Plastarch Packaging team at the 2023 Innovation Cup

As her passion for entrepreneurship and sustainability grew, Maddie launched Plastarch Packaging. The business provides a bioplastic solution to single-use cutlery and packaging for environmentally conscious business owners without compromising durability and affordability. Plastarch Packaging was the recipient of a $10,000 award at December’s Innovation Cup, hosted by the Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre.

Maddie's commitment to entrepreneurship and sustainability, as demonstrated through her leadership of Enactus Saint Mary's and the founding of Plastarch Packaging, played a significant role in her selection for the Frank H. Sobey Award for Excellence in Business Studies. Her innovative approach to addressing environmental challenges and her dedication to making a positive impact on the community exemplify the qualities that the award aims to recognize and celebrate. 

“I extend my warmest congratulations to Maddie Bristol,” says Mark Raymond, Interim Dean, Sobey School of Business. “Maddie embodies the SMU experience. Our students develop an entrepreneurial mindset and are equipped with the knowledge, insights, real work experiences and network to lead and make a positive impact on business and on the community.” 

About the Frank H. Sobey Award for Excellence in Business Studies

All full-time business students attending Atlantic Canadian universities are eligible for consideration for the award. Deans at each university nominate candidates who have demonstrated a high level of entrepreneurship, a commitment to supporting the communities in which they live and work and relevant employment experience. Each award winner receives $45,000 in recognition of their achievements and gains access to mentorship support from members of the business community across the Atlantic region.  

David Sobey Retailing Centre awards three research grants to Sobey School of Business researchers

The David Sobey Retailing Centre is very pleased to award funding of $10,000 each to Sobey School of Business researchers Hadi Eslami, Bahareh Mansouri and Ethan Pancer.

Founded in 2014, thanks to a visionary and generous gift by the late Dr. David F. Sobey, CM, DComm’91, Chair Emeritus of Sobeys Inc., the David Sobey Retailing Centre is a leading expert and partner in the retail sector, shaping the future of retail through research, innovation and education. 

“Funding research in areas that are vital to the future of retail is a key priority for the David Sobey Retailing Centre” says Dr. Ramesh Venkat, Director of the David Sobey Retailing Centre, “Canada’s retail sector accounts for 15.6 per cent of Canada’s GDP and employs the most people of all sectors in our economy. An innovative, thriving and competitive retail sector is a vital contributor to Canada’s economy”.

Highlights of this new research are:

Hadi Eslami

Title: Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Adoption and Shareholder Value of Retailers

Description: While retailers have been at the forefront of adopting the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) payment method/system, we have limited knowledge regarding the performance effects of this adoption. In this research, we will examine how the adoption of BNPL influences retailers’ shareholder value performance across multiple consumer segments.

More about Hadi Eslami

Bahareh Mansouri

Title: Towards sustainable urban freight planning: the integration of micro-distribution centers into the urban transportation network

Description: This research project addresses the pressing challenges faced by the retail and service sectors in the context of urban freight transportation. It focuses on strategically integrating the Urban Micro-distribution Centers (UMCs), fed by the Urban Distribution Centers (UDCs), into the urban logistics network planning. This study employs optimization models, drawing from the Hub Location Problem (HLP) and the Location-Routing Problem (LRP) to minimize operational costs, reduce carbon footprints, and enhance customer satisfaction. 

More about Bahareh Mansouri

Ethan Pancer

Title: Consumer Responses to Product Innovation from Generative AI

Description: This project investigates how people perceive products created by generative AI compared to those made by humans, exploring the impact of a product's origin on its perceived value, trustworthiness, and acceptability. The findings aim to guide retailers in industries at the crossroads of technology and creativity in developing strategies that align with consumer attitudes in an increasingly AI-integrated market.

More about Ethan Pancer